Cape Cod is where my dad grew up and we woudl visit my grandparents there almost every summer so being there with my kids felt very nostalgic. It's one of my most favorite places in the world! And it's such a great place for kids.
My dad and C finding the first quahog of the trip (a tradition). It was a small one but it still counted!
This beach is to me the most perfect beach for kids. it's on the bay side of Cape Cod so there are almost no waves so the kids can be free to play and splash in the water. Also when the tide goes out it goes out for miles which makes great sand flats to play aorund on.
Happy water baby :)
Happy water baby and mama :)
Just the best. You can take the kids to a beach like this for the whole day and they won't get bored.
Mini-golf is one of our Cape Cod traditions. This was the first time C could actually kind of play the game. We get P to at least use her hands to put a ball in the holes after each round.
My uncle lives in Cape Cod too so my cousin and her family came for the weekend and our kids finally got to meet! Especially since this is where we played together as kids ourselves.
My goodness I love these guys
Cousins playing together for the first time. It was a success!
This pond is close to my dad's house and another of our favorite spots. It's a great place to stop after the beach to clean off the salt water.

We went through the basement at my dad's house (which used to be my grandparents house) and found this plastic pirate ship from my dad's childhood. The plastic was brittle and we lost a few pieces but it's a testament to how the classics never go out of style.
First Encounter Beach at low tide on our last day there. Looking for shells, enjoying the shallow "puddles", crab spotting, and lots of general running around.
Sunset over the pond behind my dads house (no filter). We miss you Cape Cod!! Hopefully we'll be back next summer.
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